Monday, January 22, 2007


The blog, "Celebrities," by Pinky Rocko is about our media's focus on celebrities and their whereabouts as opposed to other more serious subjects, such as the war in Iraq or plane crashes, which killed hundreds of people. Pinky relates to this subject just as any other person who pays attention to what is currently being talked about in the media and entertainment buzz. Pinky seems to post frequently. There seem to be new posts at least once a day, sometimes twice a day throughout this month. However, I do not think that the site has become too popular yet. It is difficult to find it on Technorati or other general searches. Pinky even mentions in one of her blogs that she has only a few regular readers.

This blog is not something that will always have subjects that relate to my field of study; however, it is clear that Pinky follows what is in the headlines and what major things are happening in the U.S. media and entertainment industry. With this in mind, I know that she will often have opinions or comments about current media events and trends, and hopefully she will continue to include her thoughts on its lack of focus on other more important topics and its irrelevancy towards reality. After reading many of Pinky's other posts, I have discovered that it is not a very scholarly or academic post, as it is more a journal of her thoughts and experiences. Some posts are detailed and others are shorter; however, very few of the posts seem to be rich in useful information. Although, the post about celebrities is one of the more detailed of her posts. I am unable to see the comments made because I think they are private, but I would think that Pinky's audience includes mainly women, seeing as many of her titles even include the word "women" in them, such as the post titled "Many American Women Prefer to be Single." Many of her subjects are also subjects in which it seems that only women would take interest. However, I feel that they are relevant to my subject because they are a significant part of societal trends as well as viewers of the entertainment industry and the media as a whole. I think that this blog might feed my work occasionally when Pinky discusses more about how celebrities are affecting our media structure, which is ultimately affecting our society. It will also help to see what trends Pinky and other women who read her blogs are currently taking part in.

My site will differ significantly from Pinky Rocko's. Pinky's site is more of a journal, which only sometimes displays posts about celebrities and current entertainment and media trends, whereas my site is focusing mainly on the entertainment industry and its correlation to society, culture, and its affect on everyone who lives in America.

(link to the Celebrity post is in my link list)

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