Friday, April 13, 2007

A Well-Written Blog

Dare 2 Share's Blog about teen trends is well written and well structured. The author refrains from using words, such as "very," "really," and "extremely," which are unnecessary words that often evoke no power and that have the potential to weaken clarity and a direct style of writing. The author does a good job varying sentence length and style, which keeps the piece interesting so that one does not get bored with the style of writing. I also noticed that he refrains from using passive voice, which is also something that can take away from clarity. There are not unnecessary phrases, such as "the fact that" or "because of the fact that." Although, I did notice that the author used a lot of "this is" and "there is;" almost every new paragraph started with these words. This blog contains a variety of words and does not use many of the same words more than once, which can make writing repetitive and boring, although, this is a common mistake made by many writers who do not realize that they are doing it. I like the style of writing in this blog because it is professional, direct, and clear without confusing words or sentence structures, which often takes away from the major idea because the reader is focused more on trying to understand the words and sentences, as opposed to getting the main idea. Writing is one of the best ways to share thoughts and ideas and to be successful in getting your point across, you must be able to write effectively with good style and prose.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello. And Bye.